Pegus News

A critical period for broodmares

A critical period for broodmares Spring and early summer are a critical period for broodmares. During this time, they give birth and start lactation (milk production). In the same period, they are also covered again and hopefully become pregnant. To obtain the best of results, i.e. a healthy foal with good overall development, and a broodmare that milks well and becomes pregnant again when covered, owners must provide a well-balanced and highly digestible ration.   Nutritional needs change during the different phases of a broodmare’s life. Before the first mating,

Pegus CIC** International

The Pegus CIC** International held at The Kilguilkey International in Co Cork ,Kilguilkey House is an equestrian facility near Mallow, Co. Cork.Close to our Pegus manufacturing facility in Lambartowns Set in acres of prime grassland, Kilguilkey House is in the heart of Duhallow hunting country. It seen some of Irelands leading event riders with some of the up-coming young horses tackle the Eric Winters course , and build by Danny Dulohery. The over all winner was Joseph Murphy riding Westwinds Hercules 2nd was local rider Patricia Ryan on Dunrath Eclipse

Horses on summer pasture

Horses on summer pasture Summer is grazing time and we have to monitor closely how well our horses are doing and how well the quality and quantity of their pasture suit them. The ideal is that the quality of pasture should enable it to cover horses’ nutritional needs. Poor pasture will lead to the development of thin horses, while good pasture will eventually result in fat horses. The latter is the most common problem for many When horses are on pasture day and night, they can graze efficiently for anything

Horses Need Salt

We have come to August, and it is summer. This means that your horses need more salt because of the heat, particularly when exercised heavily. A reduction in the fluid volume of the body quickly impairs the performance of horses. The water in the body, which constitutes 60-70% of body weight, has about 10 grams of dissolved salts (minerals) per liter. The salts contribute in an essential way to the functional properties of the body fluids. When salts are dissolved in blood plasma and cell fluid we refer to them

Vitamin E and Selenium protect cells from oxidative damage

Vitamin E and Selenium protect cells from oxidative damage Vitamin E and selenium function jointly in protecting body cells from oxidation-induced damage. Low levels of selenium can partly be replaced by higher levels of vitamin E and vice versa, but they can never totally replace each other. Selenium deficiency is a constant threat where soils are low in selenium, as in Scandinavia and the British Isles. selen-vitaminE Biological oxidation In order to extract the chemical energy bound in organic nutrients like fat and carbohydrate, all animals use oxygen from the

Vitamin D and the horse ?

Vitamin D? Vitamin D is vital for calcium homeostasis in animals and man. A deficiency may lead to bone deformities, commonly called rickets, resulting from decreased concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in cartilage and bone. The vitamin is found as vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) in plants and as vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) in feeds of animal origin, especially fish. The two forms, D2 and D3 have similar biological activity; 1 µg of D2 or D3 equals 40 international units (IU) vitamin D. During summer, exposure to sunlight leads to production of vitamin

Starch in horse feed rations

There is a long tradition of using grains and cereal-based concentrates, especially those derived from oats and barley, in horse rations. Such ingredients are commonly an important part of rations for work horses and horses in training, since these have increased demands for energy which are difficult to meet from forage alone. Oats are commonly fed whole or crushed, while barley and other grains are main ingredients in concentrate mixtures, whether in the form of pellets/nuts or muesli/mix. The distinctive thing about grains is that they contain about 50% starch and

Vitamin A.. What is its Role ?

January 2015- Vitamin A Vitamin A comes in two forms – as retinol, of animal origin, or as beta-carotene which is of vegetable origin. As a precursor of vitamin A, beta-carotene needs to be activated in the body. Retinol is usually not included in typical horse feeds, while beta-carotene is found in appreciable amounts in roughages and in small amounts in grains other than maize. The biological activity of the various vitamin A compounds and precursors differ. One international unit (IU) of vitamin A is defined as the biological activity

Good Food Guide

  • Always ensure access to fresh water at all times
  • Feed by Weight, not Volume
  • Try and ensure feeding is regular and consistent
  • Adjust quantities of feed as necessary
  • Introduce changes to the horses diet slowly, as to reduce the incident of digestive upset
  • Ensure a good worming regime is in place
  • Check teeth regularly
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Pegus horse feed that performs